
Showing posts from October, 2019

Pocket Knives: Top 3 Practical Uses

The origins of Pocket Knives in one form or another have been around for quite long. The technology has progressed and so do the utility of the knife. We develop numerous variations on the classic tool, knives remain mostly the same i.e. a blade on one end while the handle on another. These versatile tools serve endless benefits in daily routine and below we have discussed the popular three. Utility This is the most noticeable purpose of any blade – its ability to cut. Knives were initially invented for exclusive cutting utility and still, there are several applications within. From straying threads on your clothes and helping with campfire steak to cutting through plastic packaging, there are numerous things throughout our life requiring a knife to get the job perfectly done. Defense Pocket Knives can be your best personal defense companion if the situation calls for it. Unluckily, the unexpected world may pose major risks to anyone’s safety. Though a knife doesn’t assure ...

Really? Strange Facts About Halloween You Should Know

Contrary to popular belief, Halloween did not originate in a candy factory to sell Americans sugary treats. Then where did it originate? What is the real history? Stick with this list to find out! 1 . Halloween originated in 4000 B.C. 2 . It originated in Ireland as the Celt festival Samhain. The fear of Halloween is thus known as Samhainophobia. 3 . Halloween was actually a day of love in Ireland. People predicted their true love and marriage through fortune-telling games like apple bobbing. 4 . Trick or treating was also an old Celt tradition. But while we use it to appease little kids, they used it to appease ghosts and spirits. People also used to knock on doors asking for treats to placate their dead relatives’ spirits. 5 . People used to dance or sing songs for their treats. 6 . The earlier costumes were made of animal skulls and bones! If you want to know more please Click Here