Outdoor Survival Tips With Pocket Knives

Pocket Knives

If you are in the wilderness, it is more likely that you will want to get back to safety. Becoming an expert camper or hunter is a long journey with no end. Below we have listed the best survival tips that you must know when outdoors. Nothing comes before safety even if you need to use one of your pocket knives.

Start a Fire When It’s Raining

You will often find it challenging to start a fire when you need it most. In such situations, you can break way damp layers of deadwood to get the dry chunks. You may want to look into various pocket knives for this job. It’s better to tweak dead branches off trees instead of picking them from moist ground.

Identify These Knots

When you are outdoors, it’s important to be aware of a variety of knots. A bowline is a practical option when you need to secure something to a rope since the tighter you pull, the snugger the knot gets. Another useful option is double half hitch which is used to connect one end of a rope around an object. This will significantly help you in building a shelter.

For More Tips Please Click on Pocket Knives


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