Safety Rules Of Pocket Knives

Pocket Knife

While assembling up your camping gear, a pocket knife is indeed one of the most important tools. From preparing food to self-defense and survival, pocket knives serve multiple purposes at a time. However, one important consideration is safety since these knives are small and possibly risky.

Knife Use

When you want to use your pocket knife, its crucial to develop a safety circle around yourself. Make sure your knife doesn’t hurt anyone. You may hold your closed knife at arm’s length and spin it around. For safe use, hold the knife tightly in your dominant hand and get your job done smoothly.

Passing Your Knife

When you are giving your knife to someone else, make sure it’s closed. In case the blade is open, there is another way to do it rightly. For this, hold the knife by its blade but the cutting edge must face away from the other person’s hand.

For More Rules Please Click On Pocket Knives


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